It is the first condition for connection. The more we converse, the stronger the connection we can build. Conversation is one of the most powerful tools we have to grab attention, create anything, or solve a difficult problem.
Conversation is created through talking. While conversation might involve some scientific elements, it’s not as exact as mathematics.
Humans are the only animals on the planet that have language, which is what separates us from other animals, as stated by Professor Maggie Tollerman of Newcastle University.
Humans are designed to express their thoughts precisely. This expression can take many forms: speaking, writing, debating, discussing, storytelling, sharing news, talking on the phone, or even silence in certain situations.
Conversation is a powerful tool that can be used to win any battle, provided the context is understood. Having the right conversation at the right time can be a powerful tool. It’s not a huge leap to call it a science, considering that science involves the study of observable, testable, and verifiable phenomena.
While the science of conversation often focuses on subtle nuances that contribute to success in sales, it ultimately affects all areas of life, from personal to professional.
Our goal is to empower individuals to unleash their full potential and shape a brighter future through collaboration and inspiration.
We can express our thoughts in four ways:
- Speaking Directly: This is the most effective way to express our emotions accurately because it allows for nonverbal cues through body language. Examples of direct speech include discussions, debates, negotiations, meetings, campaigns, and even prayers.
- Written Communication: In today’s world, some people find written communication more reliable than speaking. This is because written communication serves as a record, allows for easy reference later, and facilitates instant communication through services like messenger or WhatsApp. However, without experience, it can be difficult to create a written conversation that feels as lively as a face-to-face interaction. Nuances in wording can sometimes lead to misinterpretations of emotions and the sender’s true intent.
- Remote Communication: Globalization has led to the rise of remote communication methods like video calls, Zoom, and online interactions, which are now commonplace in the workplace. However, it’s important to consider the personal and professional context before initiating remote communication. Not all situations require video calls, and personal interactions may be more appropriate for certain situations.
- Body Language: We can communicate even without words. Body language, often referred to as “eye language,” plays a significant role in connecting with others. Body language encompasses everything from a mother’s comforting touch to a lover’s longing gaze, and even a father’s unspoken words. Our posture, smile, gestures, and even the tone of voice we choose can all contribute to the overall message we convey.
“There’s a saying: ‘It takes two years to learn to speak, but many people never learn what to speak in 90 years.'”