What is TVS ?

TVS =Tone, Volume & Speed


Although our voice is different for everyone, we have a special ability to change the tone and that is harshness, flexibility and normality. The same words may sound different to the listener due to a change in tone. By speaking in three styles: harshness, flexibility, and generality, we can touch every area of ​​the listener’s emotions. 

If we want to identify the tone of this tone very easily, then we need to understand the types of sentences very well-

Rough tone: 

Examples of non-comprehensible direct sentences, interrogative sentences, condescending expletives, indicative sentences, redundant exhortations 


Yes, all sentences, interrogative sentences like Abdar, interrogative sentences, interrogative sentences, indicative sentences, imperative experiential and objective sentences are examples. 


Any kind of unemotional and premeditated speech can be any normal tone of voice.


The volume of speech should be adjusted according to the speaking environment and situation. In this case the volume can be high, low and medium. Its mid-range volume is the most effective.

Speaking at high and low volume has its disadvantages in some cases, such as personality conflicts, misunderstandings by listeners. Therefore, if necessary, the reason for high or low tone should be stated at the beginning.


The speed of speaking depends on the situation. However, in case the audience is busy, it is necessary to talk about the schedule later. If you speak too slowly it will sound rude and if you speak too fast it will sound robotic.

You must speak fluently, like a good and healthy person, just the way you or I would like to hear.

The management of tone-volume-speed can do magical wonders. All you need is practice. Many negative words can be said very fluently with its use, while many positive words can become terrible because of this TVS.  Those who are very popular in our society manage it very well.

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